Technical Specification
Type - Sector
Directionality - Directional
Polarization - Vertical + Horizontal
Standards - WiFi
Frequency - 5.15 to 5.87 GHz
Bandwidth - 720 MHz
Gain - 19 dBi
Power - 50 W
Vertical BW - 120 Degree
Horizontal BW - 4 Degree
Industry - WiFi / Bluetooth / ZigBee
Front to Back Ratio - 25 dB
Tilt - 3 to 10 Degree
MIMO - Yes
Indoor/Outdoor - Outdoor
VSWR - 1.50:1, 2.00:1
Isolation - 30 dB
Mounting - Pole Mount
Impedance - 50 Ohms
Connectors - RP - SMA
Multi Port - Yes
Diameter - 20 mm
Dimension - 740 x 150 x 20 mm
Weight - 3 kg
Operating Temperature - -50 to 70 Degree C